Welcome to MEALPY’s documentation!

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"Knowledge is power, sharing it is the premise of progress in life.
It seems like a burden to someone, but it is the only way to achieve immortality.
                                                `Nguyen Van Thieu`_

MEALPY is a Python library that contains the largest number of the cutting-edge population-based meta-heuristic algorithms — a field that provides a fast and efficient way to find the (approximation) global optimal point of mathematical optimization problems.

Population-based meta-heuristic algorithms (PMAs) are the most popular algorithms in the field of optimization. There are several types of PMAs, including:

  • Evolutionary inspired computing

  • Swarm inspired computing

  • Physics inspired computing

  • Human inspired computing

  • Biology inspired computing

  • Mathematical inspired computing

  • And others such as: Music inspired, System inspired computing,…


  • Our library provides all state-of-the-art population meta-heuristic algorithms for optimization problems.

  • We have implemented all algorithms using Numpy to increase the speed of the algorithms.

  • Additionally, we have designed a visualization module to help users understand and explore the results discovered by the model after learning.

Models API:

Indices and tables