Build New Optimizer

The figure below shows the flow of the Optimizer class and which methods can be overridden and which methods should not be overridden to take advantage of the Optimizer class.


Based on this flow, we have created an example in “examples/” to show you how to do this in code.

How to create a new optimizer?

import numpy as np
from mealpy import Optimizer, FloatVar

class MyAlgorithm(Optimizer):
    This is an example how to build new optimizer

    def __init__(self, epoch=10000, pop_size=100, m_clusters=2, p1=0.75, **kwargs):
        self.epoch = self.validator.check_int("epoch", epoch, [1, 100000])
        self.pop_size = self.validator.check_int("pop_size", pop_size, [10, 10000])
        self.m_clusters = self.validator.check_int("m_clusters", m_clusters, [2, 5])
        self.p1 = self.validator.check_float("p1", p1, (0, 1.0))

        self.sort_flag = True
        # Determine to sort the problem or not in each epoch
        ## if True, the problem always sorted with fitness value increase
        ## if False, the problem is not sorted

    def initialize_variables(self):
        This is method is called before initialization() method.
        ## Support variables
        self.n_agents = int(self.pop_size / self.m_clusters) = self.problem.ub -

    def initialization(self):
        Override this method if needed. But the first 2 lines of code is required.
        ### Required code
        if self.pop is None:
            self.pop = self.generate_population(self.pop_size)

        ### Your additional code can be implemented here
        self.mean_pos = np.mean([agent[self.ID_POS] for agent in self.pop])

    def evolve(self, epoch):
        You can do everything in this function (i.e., Loop through the population multiple times)

            epoch (int): The current iteration
        epsilon = 1.0 - epoch / self.epoch      # The epsilon in each epoch is changing based on this equation

        ## 1. Replace the almost worst agent by random agent
        if self.generator.uniform() < self.p1:
            idx = self.generator.integers(self.n_agents, self.pop_size)
            self.pop[idx] = self.generate_agent()

        ## 2. Replace all bad solutions by current_best + noise
        for idx in range(self.n_agents, self.pop_size):
            pos_new = self.pop[0].solution + epsilon * * self.generator.normal(0, 1)
            pos_new = self.correct_solution(pos_new)
            agent = self.generate_agent(pos_new)
            if self.compare_target(, self.pop[idx].target, self.problem.minmax):
                self.pop[idx] = agent

        ## 3. Move all good solutions toward current best solution
        for idx in range(0, self.n_agents):
            if idx == 0:
                pos_new = self.pop[idx].solution + epsilon * * self.generator.uniform(0, 1)
                pos_new = self.pop[idx].solution + epsilon * * (self.pop[0].solution - self.pop[idx].solution)
            pos_new = self.correct_solution(pos_new)
            agent = self.generate_agent(pos_new)
            if self.compare_target(, self.pop[idx].target, self.problem.minmax):
                self.pop[idx] = agent

        ## Do additional works here if needed.

## Time to test our new optimizer
def objective_function(solution):
    return np.sum(solution**2)

problem_dict1 = {
    "obj_func": objective_function,
    "bounds": FloatVar(lb=[-100, ]*100, ub=[100, ]*100),
    "minmax": "min",

epoch = 50
pop_size = 50
model = MyAlgorithm(epoch, pop_size)
g_best = model.solve(problem_dict1)
print(f"Solution: {g_best.solution}, Fitness: {}")