Multitask Solving

We build a dedicated class, Multitask, that can help you run several different scenarios. For example:

  1. Run 1 algorithm with 1 problem, and multiple trials

  2. Run 1 algorithm with multiple problems, and multiple trials

  3. Run multiple algorithms with 1 problem, and multiple trials

  4. Run multiple algorithms with multiple problems, and multiple trials

Please head to examples folder to learn more about this Multitask-Examples

Below is a simple example with Multitask class

import numpy as np
## Import libraries
from opfunu.cec_based.cec2017 import F52017, F102017, F292017
from mealpy import FloatVar
from mealpy import BBO, DE
from mealpy import Multitask

## Define your own problems
f1 = F52017(30, f_bias=0)
f2 = F102017(30, f_bias=0)
f3 = F292017(30, f_bias=0)

p1 = {
    "bounds": FloatVar(, ub=f1.ub),
    "obj_func": f1.evaluate,
    "minmax": "min",
    "name": "F5",
    "log_to": "console",

p2 = {
    "bounds": FloatVar(, ub=f2.ub),
    "obj_func": f2.evaluate,
    "minmax": "min",
    "name": "F10",
    "log_to": "console",

p3 = {
    "bounds": FloatVar(, ub=f3.ub),
    "obj_func": f3.evaluate,
    "minmax": "min",
    "name": "F29",
    "log_to": "console",

## Define models
model1 = BBO.DevBBO(epoch=10000, pop_size=50)
model2 = BBO.OriginalBBO(epoch=10000, pop_size=50)
model3 = DE.OriginalDE(epoch=10000, pop_size=50)
model4 = DE.SAP_DE(epoch=10000, pop_size=50)

## Define termination if needed
term = {
    "max_fe": 3000

## Define and run Multitask
if __name__ == "__main__":
    multitask = Multitask(algorithms=(model1, model2, model3, model4), problems=(p1, p2, p3), terminations=(term, ), modes=("thread", ), n_workers=4)
    # default modes = "single", default termination = epoch (as defined in problem dictionary)

    multitask.execute(n_trials=5, n_jobs=None, save_path="history", save_as="csv", save_convergence=True, verbose=False)
    # multitask.execute(n_trials=5, save_path="history", save_as="csv", save_convergence=True, verbose=False)

When define Multitask object, you can pass terminations and modes for each optimizer that solve each problem. Assumption that we have 3 optimizers and 2 problems. Then terminations/modes can be as follows:

# Each optimizer for each problem with different termination
terminations = [ (term_11, term_12), (term_21, term_22), (term_31, term_32) ]

# The same termination for all problems with each optimizer
terminations = [ term_1, term_2, term_3 ]
## Then it will be convert into
terminations = [ (term_1, term_1), (term_2, term_2), (term_3, term_3) ]

# The same termination for all optimizers with each problem
terminations = [ term_1, term_2 ]
## Then it will be convert into
terminations = [ (term_1, term_2), (term_1, term_2), (term_1, term_2) ]

# The same termination for all optimizers and all problems
terminations = [term]
## Then it will be convert into
terminations = [ (term, term), (term, term), (term, term) ]

Remember the modes variables here is the mode using in each optimizer, the value can be “thread”, “process”, “swarm” or “single”.

After we have multitask object, we can call the function execute() to run it. There are two important parameters for this functions which are: n_trials and n_jobs.

  • n_trials: the number of time you want to run the set of (optimizers, problems) above.

  • n_jobs: defined the number of processes will be used to speed up the computation for n_trials.
    • n_jobs <= 1 or None: we run n_trials in sequential order.

    • n_jobs >= 2: we use n_jobs processes to run n_trials task in parallel.

For example, we set n_trials = 10, and n_jobs = 4. Then at first, we create 4 processes to handle 4 trials simultaneously.