Simple Guide

In this phase, the main task is to find out the global optimal - in this project, we call it named model for simple. We designed the classical as well as the state-of-the-art population-based meta-heuristics models: Evolutionary-based, Swarm-based, Physics-based, Human-based, Biology-based, Mathematical-based, Musical-based, and System-based

All of this methods are used in the same way. So, in this guide, we’ll demo with a specific method such as Genetic Algorithm in Evolutionary-based.


User Installation

Install the current PyPI release.

$ pip install mealpy==3.0.1

Or install the development version from GitHub:

$ pip install git+

Check the version of MEALPY:

$ import mealpy
$ mealpy.__version__

$ print(mealpy.get_all_optimizers())
$ model = mealpy.get_optimizer_by_name("OriginalWOA")(epoch=100, pop_size=50)

Getting started in 30s

  • Import libraries

  • Define your fitness function

  • Define a problem dictionary

  • Training and get the results

from mealpy import FloatVar, GA
import numpy as np

def objective_func(solution):
    return np.sum(solution**2)

problem_dict = {
    "obj_func": objective_func,
    "bounds": FloatVar(lb=[-100, ] * 30, ub=[100, ] * 30,)
    "minmax": "min",

optimizer = GA.BaseGA(epoch=100, pop_size=50, pc=0.85, pm=0.1)


You can see the fitness after each iteration which is found by GA:

Fitness Function Preparation

Make sure that your designed obj_func function takes a solution (a numpy vector) and returns the objective value (a single real value or a list of real values). We have already included the opfunu library, which is a framework of benchmark functions for optimization problems. You can use it very easily by:

from opfunu.type_based.uni_modal import Functions           # or
from opfunu.cec.cec2014 import Fucntion                     # or
from opfunu.dimension_based.benchmarknd import Functions

# Then you need to create an object of Function to get the functions
type_based = Functions()
F1 = type_based._sum_squres__
F2 = type_based.__dixon_price__

If you prefer not to use the opfunu library and want to design your own fitness functions, that’s okay too. All you need to do is write your own function that takes a numpy vector (the solution) as input and returns a single objective value or a list of multiple objective values.

import numpy as np

## This is normal fitness function
def objective_normal(solution=None):
        return np.sqrt(solution**2)         # Single value

Problem Preparation

You will need to define a problem dictionary with must has keywords (“obj_func”, “bounds”, “minmax”).

  • obj_func: Your objective function

  • bounds: The problem type, an instance of these classes: FloatVar, BoolVar, StringVar, IntegerVar, PermutationVar, BinaryVar, MixedSetVar

  • minmax: The problem you are trying to solve is minimum or maximum, value can be “min” or “max”

## Design a problem dictionary for normal function
problem_normal = {
    "obj_func": objective_normal,
    "bounds": FloatVar(lb=[-100, ] * 30, ub=[100, ]*30)
    "minmax": "min",


To start learning, call the solve() function. There are four different training modes available:

  1. process: Uses multiple cores to update fitness for the entire population (parallel processing; no effect on updating process).

  2. thread: Uses multiple threads to update fitness for the entire population (parallel processing; no effect on updating process).

  3. swarm: Updates fitness after the entire population moves (sequential processing; no effect on updating process).

  4. single: Updates fitness after each agent moves (sequential processing; affects updating process).

## Need to import the algorithm that will be used
from mealpy import SMA, GA, PSO

sma_model = SMA.OriginalSMA(epoch=100, pop_size=50, pr=0.03)
g_best = sma_model.solve(problem_normal)   # default is: single

sma_model = SMA.OriginalSMA(epoch=100, pop_size=50, pr=0.03)
g_best = sma_model.solve(problem_normal, mode="single")

sma_model = SMA.OriginalSMA(epoch=100, pop_size=50, pr=0.03)
g_best = sma_model.solve(problem_normal, mode="swarm")

ga_model = GA.BaseGA(epoch=1000, pop_size=100, pc=0.9, pm=0.05)
g_best = ga_model.solve(problem_multi, mode="thread")

pso_model = PSO.OriginalPSO(epoch=500, pop_size=80, c1=2.0, c2=1.8, w_min=0.3, w_max=0.8)
g_best = pso_model.solve(problem_constrained, mode="process")

You can set the number of workers when using “Parallel” training.

from mealpy.bio_based import SMA

sma_model = SMA.OriginalSMA(epoch=100, pop_size=50, pr=0.03)
g_best = sma_model.solve(problem_normal, mode="thread", n_workers=8)
# Using 8 threads to solve this problem

The returned result is the best agent found. It holds attribute like:

  • solution: the global best position it found on solving process

  • target object: an instance of Target class, that holds fitness and objectives